The RTOFS grids that I've been playing with for the past while have come in handy again. I wrote a script to pull down the imagery that's generated on a daily basis on the RTOFS website and a bit of sorcery with ImageMagick's "convert" program massages it into a little animation for me to see the sea surface temperature and salinity every day.
Here's an example:
And here's the script:
dir=`date '+%Y%m%d'`
rm -rf $dir
mkdir $dir
cd $dir
for field in temperature salinity; do
echo "Doing field" $field
for hour in 024 048; do
echo "Doing nowcast" $hour
for hour in 024 048 072 096 120 144; do
echo "Doing forecast" $hour
for file in *.png; do
prefix=`basename $file .png`
convert -crop 1840x120+0+1131 $file scale.ppm
# I have to convert to .ppm to toss out rotation info in png header such that
# the crop operation works? Otherwise, the crop geometry is in the original unrotated
# image geometry.
convert -rotate 135 $file temp.ppm
convert -crop 450x360+600+1000 temp.ppm temp2.ppm
label=`echo $file | awk -F_ '{print '$dir',$3,$4}' `
convert -draw "image Over 0,310 450,52 scale.ppm" -fill white -stroke black -pointsize 24 -draw "text 10,30 '$label'" temp2.ppm $file
for temperature_file in *temperature*png; do
output_file=`echo $temperature_file | sed -e 's/temperature/TS/' `
salinity_file=`echo $temperature_file | sed -e 's/temperature/salinity/' `
convert -extent 900x360 -draw "image Over 450,0 450,360 $salinity_file" $temperature_file $output_file
convert -loop 0 -delay 50 rtofs_arctic_temperature_f*png temperature_animation.gif
convert -loop 0 -delay 50 rtofs_arctic_salinity_f*png salinity_animation.gif
convert -loop 0 -delay 50 rtofs_arctic_TS_f*png TS_animation.gif
rm temp.ppm temp2.ppm scale.ppm
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